Sunday, December 15, 2024


What is the PNGfix?

If you have ever opened a webpage with a transparent PNG in Internet Explorer 6, you will see an obvious problem. The images do not appear transparent but adopt a light blue background, which is unsightly to say the least. This is the purpose of the PNGfix, to allow transparent PNG images to work correctly in the web browser Internet Explorer 6. A common way around this is to use a range of different Joomla! extensions which can be applied to your site. However, this is already built in to new RocketTheme templates (the fix already provides other solutions to various other IE6 issues). The author of this new PNGfix is Drew Diller.

Learn More

Below is a list of all the Rocket Theme Templates which have the PNGfix described above, incorporated into it. Also, all new templates releases will contain this as it has become an recurrent feature.

  1. SolarSentinel
  2. Mynxx
  3. Meridian
  4. Akiraka
  5. Mixxmag

How do I use the PNGfix?

To apply the PNGfix to a particular image, all you need to do is add a class, png. We have an example of image HTML code below:-

<img src="/image.png" alt="Image" />

Now add class="png" to the code such as:-
<img src="/image.png" alt="Image" class="png" />

Uninstall all other PNGfixes before using the template version, that includes plugins you may have installed into Joomla as they will conflict with the template fix

How to remove the PNGfix

If you wish to remove the PNGfix from the template, you have to remove the file and remove the reference from the rt_head_includes.php file. The file is called DD_belatedPNG.js and is located in the /templates/rt_solarsentinel/js directory. You would then remove the following from the rt_head_includes.php file:-
<script src="/<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/js/DD_belatedPNG.js"></script>

Demo Content

The demo for SolarSentinel utilises a large stock of custom code and styling to make the most of every content item and show what SolarSentinel can do. This basically means that the HTML used in the custom modules and content have customisations which employ the characteristics of the template to make the "perfect" content.

This demo content section will take you through some of the content areas and general techniques used to further your understanding and help you realise the true potential of SolarSentinel. If you would like to quickly deploy a replica of our SolarSentinel demo for a new Joomla site, be sure to check out our RocketLauncher package.

Frontpage Leading Article

The following statement produces the leading article on the Frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:

Obama reverses Bush-era stem cell policy

Federal funding ban on stem cell research liftedMr Obama signed an executive order in a major reversal of US policy, pledging to "vigourously support" new research.

Frontpage Sub Article

The following statement produces the sub article on the Frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:

Drugmakers unite in $41.1 billion deal

Merck, Schering-Lough deal gives companies more firepower in a competitive industry. Full Story | video Video

Media Headlines

The following statement produces the Media Headlines module on the Frontpage, which is using RokCandy syntax:


The following statement produces the video showcase as seen on Logo Tutorial page, which is using RokCandy syntax:
[video url="images/video/" title="RokCandy Video Tutorial" img="images/stories/logo-editing-video.jpg" header="RokCandy Video Tutorial" label="Watch Now!"]Learn how to edit the template logo using Adobe Fireworks.[/video]

Read More Buttons

Read more buttons are automatically generated for content items that use the intro and main text option. However, you can easily insert them manually as witnessed on this demo. Use the following code:


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  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


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